Charlotte Brathwaite
Charlotte Brathwaite (born in London, United Kingdom; lives in New York, United States) creates worlds celebrating people who have survived the ravages of slavery, genocide, and colonization. She re-centres their experiences, desires, and dreams by opening up spiritual, visual, and oral narratives permeated with poetry and humanity. Through her interdisciplinary practice employing image-based, performative, and discursive modes, Brathwaite offers sensitive points of contact for addressing the issues of social justice, identity, race, and power, as well as the complexities of the human condition.
- Born
- London, United Kingdom
- Countries / Nations
- United Kingdom / United States
- Lives
- New York, United States
- Website


Charlotte Brathwaite, Souvenirs d’Autres Mondes [Memories of Other Worlds], 2020, video still. Courtesy of the artist

Charlotte Brathwaite, Souvenirs d’Autres Mondes [Memories of Other Worlds], 2020, video still. Courtesy of the artist

Charlotte Brathwaite, Souvenirs d’Autres Mondes [Memories of Other Worlds], 2020, video still. Courtesy of the artist

Charlotte Brathwaite, Souvenirs d’Autres Mondes [Memories of Other Worlds], 2020, video still. Courtesy of the artist

Charlotte Brathwaite, Souvenirs d’Autres Mondes [Memories of Other Worlds], 2020, video still. Courtesy of the artist