Jamie Ross
Jamie Ross is a Montréal visual and video artist who is also based in Los Angeles. They are influenced by sound, and in their practice they combine diverse elements such as shell collections, unfounded rumours, and folkloric chorales. For their master’s degree at the University of California, Los Angeles, their artistic research focused on secret queer societies of the Victorian era. Their multidisciplinary creative projects have received various awards, including best international short film at DOC LA. They also contribute to various specialized magazines, including C Magazine, Canadian Art, and Revista ERRATA#.
- Born
- 1987, Toronto, Canada
- Countries / Nations
- Canada
- Lives
- Montréal, Canada
- Website


Jamie Ross, Cate Hill, exhibition view, Galerie B-312, Montréal, 2019. Photo credit: Jean-Michael Seminaro. © MOMENTA Biennale d'art contemporain and Galerie B-312.

Opening of the Jamie Ross exhibition , Galerie B-312, MOMENTA 2019 © MOMENTA Biennale d'art contemporain and the Galerie B-312. Photo credit: Jean-Michael Seminaro