Jamilah Sabur
Jamilah Sabur (born in Saint Andrew Parish, Jamaica; lives in Miami, United States) draws on geology, geography, memory, and language in her exploration of the temporary nature of the world, attending to bodies (geological, human, oceanic, and others) as points of contact between past, present, and future. Her works, which combine performance, photography, installation, and video, are imbued with colonial history, migration issues, and human relationships with the environment. With roots in the idea of being, Sabur’s work probes what has disappeared from our sight in order to unearth buried stories.
- Born
- Saint Andrew, Jamaica
- Countries / Nations
- Jamaica / United States
- Lives
- Miami, United States


Jamilah Sabur, Un chemin escarpé / A steep path, 2019, video still. Courtesy of the artist

Jamilah Sabur, Un chemin escarpé / A steep path, 2019 Installation view, New Orleans Museum of Art, 2019. Courtesy of the artist, The New Orleans Museum of Art (New Orleans), and Carmen Donaldson Fund © New Orleans Museum of Art

Jamilah Sabur, Mnemonic Alphabet (Y / Yangrong), 2021, digital print and neon. Courtesy of the artist and Nina Johnson (Miami)

Jamilah Sabur, Mnemonic Alphabet (Y / Yangrong), 2021, digital print and neon. Courtesy of the artist and Nina Johnson (Miami)