Lisa Jackson
Lisa Jackson (Anishinaabe from Aamjiwnaang Nation, born in Toronto, Canada; lives in Toronto, Canada) is a filmmaker who is interested in bringing to light environmental questions and past, present, and future Indigenous realities. In productions that combine different genres (animation, documentary, experimental) and techniques (multimedia installation, virtual reality), her hybrid, committed approach takes shape through interrelationships. Jackson envisages her work as an act of translation among humans from many horizons, but also among bodies of knowledge possessed by different forms of life.
- Born
- Toronto, Canada
- Countries / Nations
- Anishinaabe / Aamjiwnaang, Canada
- Lives
- Toronto, Canada
- Website


Lisa Jackson. Lichen, 2020, film still. Courtesy of the artist

Lisa Jackson, Lichen, augmented reality artwork documentation, 2021.