
Gemini: TEKENÍKHEN (twins)

Sep 8Oct 21, 2023

Gemini: TEKENÍKHEN (twins) is the third incarnation of Delaronde’s Gemini project originally initiated in 2020, and the artist’s first solo exhibition in Tiohtià:ke, the ancestral territory of the Kanien'kehá:ka, where she was born. Now conceived as a multimedia installation, the work continues and expands her quest for ancestry and self-awareness. The acts of becoming-animal and becoming-earth which manifest in a video performance are part of a cosmic horizon of metamorphic cycles that accompany bodies and souls on their passage between the celestial and earthly worlds.

Exhibition leaflet in Kanien'kehà:ka.
Exhibition leaflet containing texts in accessible language.

Exhibition produced in partnership with OPTICA.
This performance is co-commissioned by Bonavista Biennale and MOMENTA Biennale d'art contemporain with the support of the CALQ.

Exhibited Artists

Lindsay Katsitsakatste Delaronde
Kahnawà:ke, Canada
Kahnawà:ke, Canada