
Liquid Crystals

Sep 8Oct 24, 2021

Liquid Crystals is an interactive route through Tiohtià:ke / Mooniyang / Montreal. Wander around the city and experience 11 augmented reality artworks that you can access as filters using your mobile device.

From September 8 to October 24, visit momentabiennale.com/liquidcrystals on your mobile device to experience the augmented reality artworks.

MOMENTA’s first augmented reality project features visions of the land, Indigenous sovereignty in digital space and issues related to climate change. Appearing in different locations, the artworks provide chance encounters, from a roaring lion to a smiling daisy. Ancestral wisdom meets new technologies and leads to the gathering of natural, urban and digital worlds.

This special project was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, Ville de Montréal and the RBC Foundation. MOMENTA Biennale de l’image is proud to join forces with the RBC Foundation, through the RBC Emerging Artists Project, to help promote emerging artists in Canada.

Exhibited Artists

alaska B
Scott Benesiinaabandan
Anishinaabe, Canada
Anishinaabe, Canada
Anna Binta Diallo
Senegal / Canada
Senegal / Canada
Ts̱ēmā Igharas
Tāłtān, Canada
Tāłtān, Canada
Lisa Jackson
Anishinaabe / Aamjiwnaang, Canada
Anishinaabe / Aamjiwnaang, Canada
Kama La Mackerel
Mauritius / Canada
Mauritius / Canada
Malik McKoy
Alex McLeod